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Assertiveness Training

In layman’s terms, assertiveness training is a kind of behavioral therapy that teaches patients how to stand up for themselves. The goal is to teach the individual how to appropriately voice their needs, opinions, and thoughts while maintaining their respect for others. This sort of training is tailored to each individual patient and the unique needs they have as they face particular scenarios that require assertiveness.

Assertiveness Training
Assertiveness Training

Chronic Pain

Chronic Pain is when a person experiences persistent pain that inhibits the functionality of life. Further investigation of causality is required, and while chronic pain cannot always be treated, indi...

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Assertiveness Training

Chemical Dependence

Chemical Dependence occurs when an individual persists in the use of drugs or alcohol despite the problems related to their excessive usage. Signs of Chemical Dependence can include an increased toler...

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Assertiveness Training

Attachment Disorders

Those who suffer from Attachment Disorders experience a difficulty to bond that results from deprivation, trauma, and abandonment that occurs from a young age. Those suffering from AD typically demons...

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Assertiveness Training

Generalized Anxiety

Generalized Anxiety Disorder is characterized by suffering from a sense of undo worry or concern about a number of different things. Those who suffer from GAD can find themselves incessantly preoccupi...

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Assertiveness Training


Agoraphobia is a fear of places or situations which creates an escalating crescendo of anxiety that is accompanied by a sense of pending doom. Often present with this fear are associative avoidance ha...

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